January 15, 2025

Alt-Right Group Plans on Unleashing Racist ‘Fake Black Person’ Accounts After Being Banned From Twitter

Guess what? The racists are vowing to fight back … with more racism!

The Daily Stormer, an alt-right website that regularly features racist and anti-Semitic content, claims it has nearly 1,000 “fake black person” Twitter accounts that it plans to use in an upcoming “real life” (as opposed to online) harassment campaign, reports Engadget.

Twitter has always faced criticism for allowing virulently racist and sexist content to be distributed on its platform. The company recently unveiled more anti-trolling tools and shut down many accounts of prominent of white supremacists.

In response, The Daily Stormer released a blog post this week saying it plans to coordinate a harassment campaign that targets people in the real world. The trolling call to action begins as follows:

“We will introduce new ways of trolling, including IRL trolling, snail mail trolling, telephone trolling, hoaxes, shoe company endorsements, etc. And look. We’re not done with Twitter. We’ve got a big campaign coming up.”

The site then asks its readers “to create a fake black person account.” It claims to already have nearly 1,000 of these accounts with established post histories, and its instructions for creating an authentic “black” profile instructs users to look to racist stereotypes and “black Twitter” for reference, reports Engadget.

“Just go on black Twitter and see what they look like, copy that model,” the post reads. “Start filling it with rap videos and booty-shaking or whatever else these blacks post. Read through their posts to get an idea of how they post. You need to be able to post in a manner which is indistinguishable from normal black tweeters. …Twitter is about to learn what happens when you mess with Republicans.”

It should be noted that another prominent Republican, Donald J. Trump, currently has 15.5 million Twitter followers.

Read more at Engadget

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