September 7, 2024

Civil Rights Activists Rally Outside of NFL Headquarters

New York Councilman Jumaane D. Williams, second from right, with the help of Kirsten John Foy, second from left, Northeast Regional Director of the National Action Network, holds a jersey with name on the back, during a rally of civil rights activists outside of the NFL’s headquarters, Friday, May 25, 2018, in New York.  (AP Photo/Ralph Russo)

NEW YORK (AP) — Civil rights activists gathered outside of NFL headquarters and called on team owners to overturn a new policy aimed at stopping player protests during the national anthem. They also encouraged a boycott of the league and its sponsors.

About 50 people gathered Friday at the office building in midtown Manhattan that houses the NFL for a rally organized by National Action Network, a civil rights nonprofit organization.

Kirsten John Foy, the Northeast Regional Director for NAN, was the first of 10 speakers. They took turns criticizing NFL team owners and President Donald Trump.

Foy says “Our demand is that the NFL reverse that immoral and unconstitutional decision.”

The NFL owners voted Wednesday to require players to stand for the national anthem or stay in the locker room. Teams will be fined if players don’t stand.

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