March 16, 2025

My Black News Leads In Disseminating African American Issues

African American issues had been grabbing the headlines in recent years and My Black News [MyBlackNews] had been leading the dissemination and subsequent discussions and debates on said issues. My Black News searches the internet for African American issues that may not be easily available to the reader. The visitor of My Black News website will find discussions about African American issues in the areas of government and politics, community service, entertainment and global events. In addition to African American issues, My Black News provides some of the internet’s most interesting off beat stories, tech news, and entertainment.

My Black News has a wide range of news categories that makes it a well rounded publication and a leading Black Online magazine for the dissemination, discussion and debate of African American issues. These categories include: Latest News, Videos, Black Community, Business News, Education, Entertainment, Government and Politics, Health & Fitness, History, Opinions and Blogs, People, Religion, Sports and World News.

The August 30, 2010 online edition of My Black News is an excellent example of the important role of this publication in disseminating African American issues. An article picked up from the Guardian of UK discusses the lives of New Orleans residents as the city slowly gets back to its feet five years after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina and the many controversial issues that it spawned in its wake. Sure to ignite discussion as well was the article taken from The Huffington Post on Glenn Beck and the Conservative Movement in the United States. An opinion piece taken from on Redefining Convention People’s Party [CPP] as a Calling Prophecy and Promise! shows the engagement of My Black News with the global black community. The author, Kabu Okai Davies asks rhetorically if African Americans can fulfill the promise of Martin Luther King why haven’t Ghanaians fulfilled the promise of Nkrumah? He exhorts his readers that this is the moment to Conceive, Prepare and Plan for Change, Possibility and Power.

My Black News is highly valued in the African American community for as it disseminates African American issues relevant to the community that are not featured in mainstream publications. My Black News helps inform and build solidarity in the African American community which will explain why it has gained the reputation as a leading Black Online magazine in propgating African American issues.

An interesting feature of My Black News that contributes to it becoming a leading Black Online magazine is it allows subscribers to post their own news articles, free of charge. The only requirement of My Black News is that the subscriber/contributor obeys all copyright rules and law and gives prior credit to the original authors and publishers and that the article is free from excess swearing and pornographic material. There are also free online games that should entertain and give a break to the online reader.

The reader can follow My Black News’ Twitter Page and at Facebook at: My Black News’ Facebook. For more information visit Myblacknews.

My Black News is a unique Black Online Magazine that presents all the daily news covering various topics ranging from Business, Health & Fitness, Sports, Religion and more.

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