March 17, 2025

Unique Views Podcast, Episode 23: It’s Family Time With Omar Gooding and Angell Conwell

Omar Gooding and Angell Conwell of the Bounce TV series Family Time (Photo by Chris McKay/Getty Images for Bounce TV)


This is the second time that the pod squad, myself–Ms. Patti LaDanielle and Stephen A. Crockett, Jr. have had something to do with Bounce TV. So excuse us if we’re feeling ourselves a bit. Ok, so maybe I am feeling myself, by myself, but that’s because Stephen doesn’t deserve to feel himself. He’s the worst. I tried my best to get our guests stars, Omar Gooding and Angell Conwell to agree with me, but Stephen immediately asked them to pretend to be his friends for years and they kindly oblige because they’re good people (who were mostly confused by his request).

If you remember Omar and Angell it’s because they’re celebrities and that’s what us regular folks do–we recognize the highly celebrated. But these two have played a couple many times, most famously in Baby Boy, when a f*ck boy named Sweetpea (played by Gooding) lived with Kim (played by Conwell) and her mother and often yelled at them both for being “unstable creatures.” Ah, the good old days.

Not only do we reminisce over those days, but we look ahead to Gooding and Conwell’s present and future–as they play a married (and hopefully more stable) couple in Bounce TV’s Family Time. They star in the show, but they also write and produce, so in the famous words of Quinta B (that I’ve also taken on as my own), they got moneyyyy!

Check out the latest episode of Unique Views as Stephen and I discuss how to get Bounce TV, their Kwanzaa-themed episode and we wonder what type of holiday traditions President-elect Donald Trump has.

And, we are on iTunes!!!! Click here and subscribe, and follow us on the Twitters here.

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